January 30, 2011

Gold Leaf

My apologies for not posting in a while. Yesterday was the opening of our show, and I took advantage of the past week to lay low and chill out. I'm back to the blog though, and plan to catch up on some posts over the next couple days. So look out for lots of activity!

Mahout Tool & Supply is a local business owned and operated by a former CR student. The store supplies current students with tools of the trade and a place to gather to share ideas and experiences. Andrew, the proprietor, teamed up with Joe Amaral to host a number of seminars on finishing techniques. I attended the first one on gilding. It was a great experience to see Joe at work. Here are some photos from the day. 

Sample board of gesso, pre-treatment of the wood for gilding

The gold leaf, this sheet is 4" x 4" and costs $2!

Joe demonstrated both water gilding and oil gilding

A work in progress

Noah tries his hand at a technique that covers large surfaces in an overlapping pattern

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